My Journey
It is funny but when I have been interviewed or asked about my psychic abilty and when I first knew I had a gift, I always have to reply that I don't remember ever NOT being psychic. Since I was very young I always seemed to see and hear things and I honestly thought most other people were the same. I used to know that if I was upset that my sister who had died before I was born would come and sit and play with me if I sat on a certain seat in the livingroom. My parents sometimes looked on in horror as a I chatted away to the 'empty' chair. When I was about 10 I was taken on a school trip to Culloden moor, a scene of a terrible Scottish battle. I felt panicky before we reached the field but when i was taken onto it I could 'see' the horrors of battle all around me with men dying and so much bloodshed. I screamed at my teacher and she took me to sit in the bus. I asked her if she didn't see that my school friends were in the middle of danger. She looked at me and said' No Colette. you are the only one who does'. At that moment i realised that I was different and it didn't feel good.
I always sensed a little Native American boy around me. He never really went away and is my guide and mentor now. He is a proud spirit and I am honoured by his presence. He has great humour and often tells me off for not repeating properly what he says. I felt haunted by a spirit who looked like a soldier and just stood and looked at me while I was in bed. He scared me but later on I realised that he was an uncle I had never known.
In my teens I had so many episodes of deja vu that I sometimes felt completely disorientated. I now can look back and see that these were actually psychic visions of my own life to come. I remember seeing people in visions who have since become very important to me. I tried to distance myself from my psychic abilty and decided to become a pharmacist. I have a very logical side and enjoyed pharmacology as it seemed to be about solving puzzles. Sometimes I feel like that when I have my tarot cards all laid out for a client.....like I have a big puzzle to unravel. With this instinct and my guides' help, I seem to be able to help people.
I enjoyed being a pharmacist but my visions were becoming clearer and the more I tried to push them back, the more they came. One night, I had a strange sore head and a terrible feeling of dread. Later on that night I saw many men , some with hard hats and lights, some were burning, others were drowning. I was in tears and distraught. Later on that night reports started coming in about Piper Alpha being on fire and I knew that was what i had seen. It hurt and upset me for months.I I also saw a terrible red mark around a game show contestant and felt he was in terrible danger but I didn't know what to do about it. I didn't think I would be taken seriously. He died a few days later in a stunt connected with the show. How I wished i had said something. I will never, never hold back again. In fact i haven't since and have been told i have saved a few lives.
I fell in love with The Tarot as a tool of divination in the late 80's. I have such a connection with it that I sometimes see life in terms of tarot cards. If someone is taking a bad risk I can be heard muttering 'well,there is a Ten of Swords waiting to happen!' In the 90's I wrote a Tarot course for people who love and just want to understand the Tarot in life terms. This was available through my Scottish School of Tarot. This is now the basis of my book "Tarot Novice to Pro in One Book".
In the mid nineties I was honoured to take part in some workshops by a Native American elder. His teachings stayed with those there and a little haven of spirituality was created that lasted nearly 6 years in the Highlands of Scotland. I follow a Native American path and medicine wheel teachings and have never been happier.
I have always had good clairaudience but my real hearing deteriorated in early 2005 and I am now hearing impaired. The internet has proven fantastic for me and many hearing impaired people. I now have my own YouTube channel Colette Clairvoyant and do vlogs on all things paranormal.
I am now the author of six Mind, Body and Soul books and two fiction novels. More information about my books can be found in the 'My Books' section of this website.
I live in Clyde Valley with my wonderful husband and children and love what I do and have many blessings. Life can be awful hard for people and I feel I have empathy and compassion. I hope to continue to read the Tarot for a long, long time. Although I see spirits, I do not define myself as medium as I feel that I am more a psychic counsellor and really hate it when people assume that they will get messages from those who have passed. This is a bonus if it happens but is not our right or due and it is wrong to expect it.
If there is anything i can help you with, just get in touch!
As Of the 11th June 2017 I have retired from clairvoyant readings!! this is due to my and hubby;'s health and new projects that I wish to pursue. I thank everyone so much for love and support but it is time to go with the flow and look after us. I will still be active on my YouTube Channel and will have new books out soon xx
Many Blessings
Grandmother Winds of The Earth

My wonderful Spirit Guide. WhiteStorm has been with me since birth. He plays an active part in all my readings. Akehela Mitake Oyasin!