My Spirit Guide, WhiteStorm
My Spirit Guide is called WhiteStorm or Icamna (I-cham-na) in Lakota. He has been with me from my traumatic birth where I was ressusitated after an emergency situation. This, I believe, was my Shamanic Death experience. WhiteStorm was my little "Nindian Boy" who grew and matured as I did. He has been a playmate, friend, mentor and confidant at various times in my life. He only gave me his spirit name when I recieved mine, age 36, from a Native American Elder and commited to following a shamanic path. WhiteStorm is present for me for readings, rituals and gatherings. He interacts in a very awesome way with my Rohrig Tarot. This allows me to interpret the cards using his guidance and my clairvoyance.
WhiteStorm is an evolved guide: a Master, he has had many past lives and is simply a being of pure, white light. He shows himself to me from one of his Native American lives because I have a natural affinity for this path and culture. He has shown me his true form once but it was so bright that it would have been impossible for me to function in that intensity of consciousness. So to me he is simply WhiteStorm: my Spirit Guide who can be funny, surreal, grumpy, passionate, compassionate, intense and loving. He is a big, awesome energy who has been felt by many clients and friends. I am sure he despairs of me at times but he stays with me and helps me to be the best I can be spiritually.