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Spiritual Habits that No Longer Serve You – Give them away NOW!

Habit 1

Holding yourself to a schedule that does not work for you

Stop berating self on not keeping to a daily/weekly/ monthly schedule that may have been made in the wrong frame of mind. Or at the wrong time. Or before COVID. Or for the person you used to be. Or to be part of a peer group (think dry January etc.).

Yes, it can be good to have aims and desires for spiritual progress but giving yourself too tough a schedule can not only make you feel bad when you do not keep to it but also may slow progress as you lose confidence in yourself. Spirituality is like creativity; it is better to go with the flow and be amenable to putting in the work when you feel inspired or drawn to it. Give yourself a rough guide of how many times a week you would like to e.g. meditate. Try to relax into that so that it becomes a good habit. But please do not get over the tips of your skis by pushing too hard. Spirituality should not feel like a chore to be ticked off a list.

Habit 2

Accruing psychic tools e.g. new tarot cards, oracle cards, crystals, books etc.

If you are new to a spiritual path or rediscovering an old one, then you may have a thirst for new tools or books. But this can become an expensive habit and can lead to an overabundance of spiritual STUFF. A thirst for knowledge is good but please be more minimalist with your choices. How about making sure you really would like a deck by doing good research? And maybe if you bring a new deck/tool in, then give away one that you do not connect with anymore?

Habit 3

Hoarding spiritual ‘bits and bobs’, just in case.

This follows on I suppose for Habit 2. If you have one length of yellow ribbon for a spell, you do not need three. I asked people to save me their ribbons from presents etc. and I now have a full BOX of ribbons. I also had to stop picking up feathers! My craft cupboard and magickal chest were simply full to overflowing. Do you really need three of the one crystal if you only ever work with one? Pass them on! Make someone happy. Be minimalist and do a spiritual Mari Kondo! Hold each item and if it sparks joy or is uniquely useful, then you can keep it! Otherwise, let it go.

Habit 4

Comparing your progress or your ability to that of someone else.

You are unique. Your experiences and your progress are yours and yours alone. If you are part of a group e.g. psychic development, it can be hard when you feel you may not be at the level of others. This type of comparison is simply destructive and berating yourself has no right to be a habit! Everyone develops at their own pace. Some are more naturally talented than others. If you cannot accept this then maybe your ego needs a wee check! Stop comparing and only work to improve you! You are the only one is your own race. It is a marathon, not a sprint!

Habit 5

Giving up when you hit a plateau.

I have seen this habit for so many people so many times! They soar ahead and then, as is natural, they hit a plateau. They despair and they give up only to start again and repeat the process time and time again.

Plateaus are natural in any form of learning. We take in information and we try to work with it. But we need time to absorb and let ourselves catch up. Too much info too quickly can lead to spiritual burnout and off course, giving up. Do not let a plateau become a full stop!

Habit 6

Becoming a slave to divination!

We have all been there: you learn how beautiful and accurate your chosen form of divination is e.g. tarot, oracle, runes, bibliomancy. You use it to ask the big questions in life, then less important ones, then silly tiny ones. Then you find you do not really want to make a decision without checking in on your cards. This can turn into an obsession. This can also be when your cards stop working or give you such confusing advice that you are bewildered and ask more and more. Basically, you are not honouring your method of divination or your guides, higher self/ universe. Stop! Have a break and only go back to divination when you have broken the habit.

Habit 7

Giving yourself a spiritual label.

Some people want to be a medium, so they only follow or learn from mediumistic sources. They then call themselves a medium. Some may wish to study shamanism and then call themselves a shaman. Others call themselves clairvoyant and do not step outside of that label. Yet most spiritual people will have a range of talents and by labelling themselves in such a way, they may miss out on the potential for learning new and very worthwhile skills. These may even be closer to who they are meant to be! Labels are limits!

I remember talking to my spirit guide because I did not want to be known as a medium in case people would only come to me for mediumship and not my other spiritual skills e.g. healing, magick or clairvoyance. I simply did not want to be labeled as ONLY one thing. He agreed and when I asked what I should call myself he replied, ‘A magpie’. Think on it!

Many blessings


Grandmother Winds of The Earth

January 2021


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